6 Risky Behaviors That Increase Your Risk of HIV/AIDS

 HIV/AIDS can be described as a spectrum of illnesses that range from an initial infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that can eventually lead to the fully-blown Acquired Immunodeficiency Disorder (AIDS). In the process of destroying your immune system HIV slowly impairs the body's capability to fight off cancer and infections. This is the reason that people with HIV are susceptible to certain diseases (e.g Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia) as well as tumors (e.g Kaposi sarcoma) that are not often found in immune-compromised people. In fact, HIV/AIDS is a pandemic that does not spare any part of the globe. As per the World Health Organization, about 35 million people were suffering with the disease worldwide in 2013, with around 1.5 million deaths due to AIDS recorded during the year. Tragically, sub-Saharan Africa is responsible for seven percent of world incidence of HIV. Another important aspect concerning HIV/AIDS is that viral burden is an significant indicator of an individual's infection rate, such that someone with an extremely high level of viral burden is a lot more likely to pass on the virus to other people.

In light of the above importance, it's important to look at certain dangerous behaviors that can increase the likelihood of contracting the deadly virus: We suggest you go to consultant for medical precautions Dr Raina safe hand gives you best PEP treatment in Delhi

Unprotected Sexual Intercourse

Sexual contact that is not protected ( oral, vaginal or even anal) is the main risky activity related to HIV transmission. This is particularly true for people who have multiple unprotected sexual partners, such as commercial sex industry workers who indulge in sex exchange in exchange in exchange for money ('survival sexual sex). The same is true for even if your partner with multiple unprotected sexual partners, you're equally vulnerable. Additionally, the chance for HIV transmission is considerably greater in the context for others Sexually Transmitted Infections because of the higher risk of being exposed to blood infected or body fluids while having sex. For instance, research has found a five-fold increase in the likelihood of transmission of HIV when there are the genital ulcer. However, the chance of HIV spread through unprotected sexual relations can be almost eliminated by implementing the well-known ABC strategy that includes abstinence as well as being faithful to your partner, as well as consistent and proper usage of condoms.

Unsafe Blood Transfusion


Transfusions that are unsafe and contaminated with HIV or blood-related products can be an additional crucial method to HIV transmission, particularly in countries with poor infrastructure for a thorough examination of the blood as well as other products are usually insufficient. In these areas approximately 15 percent in all incidences of HIV can be traced through transfusions with blood that is infected. Studies have shown that those who receive affected blood eventually develop with HIV/AIDS in around 90 percent of instances. Are you facing pre symptoms of  HIV we are suggest you best place to pep treatment for HIV in Delhi.

Sharing of Sharps


It is commonplace to share sharp objects such as razor blades razors, hair clippers, or razor blades with others. But, it also contributes to its share to the spread of HIV by infected persons (who don't even know often) to non-infected populations. When using these items cut - small or large - could be created and often are not considered that encourage contact with blood infected and aids in spreading HIV. Another unsavory practice, particularly in the context of traditional medicine, is marking people with scars typically using unsterilized sharps in the hope of treating certain illnesses or conferring spiritual protection on them.

Needle Stick Injurie

Healthcare professionals who are in frequent contact with patients suffering from infection the spread of this disease is not unusual. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the necessary safety precautions, such as the regular use of gloves on hands and the proper disposal of needles and syringes, are followed always. But, health professionals frequently ignore these guidelines. Remember that one moment of negligence could cost you.

If there is an accidental needle puncture or blood splash on an injured mucous membrane or skin The area must be thoroughly cleaned under running water, and then allowed to flow freely after which the patient exposed must be immediately initiated on Prophylaxis after exposure, usually within a couple of hours, but not more than 72 hours after exposure.


Intravenous Drug Abuse


The people who inject substances (especially harder drugs) directly into bloodstreams are also more at chance of developing HIV. Within the United States, this practice makes up about 10% of the annual HIV cases. It's not unusual for users of intravenous drugs to use the same needle, the syringe or preparation of drugs. It is normal that if one is infected by this virus may easily be passed on to others.

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol consumption that is excessive can get people drunk , so that their judgement becomes clouded, which causes them to lose inhibitions. An intoxicated person is more likely in the mentioned dangerous behaviors, such as engaging in casual sexual relations without a condom. Furthermore, alcohol consumption has been proven to weaken the immune system, and consequently accelerate the natural progress of HIV/AIDS. Contact Dr Raina safe hands clinic for better help of  HIV treatment in Delhi 


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